Saturday, July 19, 2014

New Thing Number Fourty-One

You know how when you were in elementary school, your teachers always had cool pictures that they would use for the lesson? Do you remember how they would pull out a popsicle stick that had a wad of that yellow tape on it, roll off a strip of tape, fold it into that perfect circle, stick it to the back of the picture, and tape the picture to the chalkboard? (Yes, I was in elementary school when they still had chalkboards.)

I totally did that.

I got to teach a lesson--the room had a whiteboard, and I took complete advantage of its presence. I didn't even care if my students understood what was going on. All I cared about were the pictures and my precious, precious tape.

New Thing Number Fourty

I waxed my legs.

Never doing that again.

New Thing Number Thirty-Nine

I turned my mommy's backyard into Neverland.

My birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something out-of-the-ordinary. So I spent the morning of my birthday at home working in the backyard, and the product was simply gorgeous. That is, until it rained that evening. (But I love rain, so I didn't mind too much.)

For the fairies, I put Christmas lights in a tree.

For the mermaids, I shredded blue fabric and hung it from a tree branch to be a waterfall.

For the lost boys, I made a hideout out of cheap fabric in the garden.

For the Indians, I used more cheap fabric to wrap the swing set into a teepee.

For the pirates, I turned the picnic table into a ship. I'm particularly proud of this one, so here's a picture. (You can see a bit of the unfinished waterfall on the right.)

Hooray for decorating on a budget!

New Thing Number Thirty-Eight

I dove to catch a Frisbee.

I have never been willing to put my personal wellness on the line for a game before. And we weren't even playing a game. We were just throwing a Frisbee around as a family.

I guess I got a little caught up in the moment. The Frisbee was coming my way but was just a bit too far for me to catch it. Next thing I knew, I was tumbling on the grass, totally confused as to how I got there. Now I know why professional athletes do what they do. I also know why so many of them have to retire early due to injury.

The best part? I didn't even catch the Frisbee.