Thursday, February 6, 2014

New Thing Number Four

God is real and He loves me.

For weeks and weeks I have had issues with school. Really, they have been giving me grief with pretty much everything a student can be given grief about. Departments have been pushing me around in circles, secretaries have been giving me bad information, employees have been sending threatening emails to me demanding that I repay something that I can't repay because they're holding onto my money. It's been a basket of rainbows.

But today, in one single hour, everything was resolved.

I went to an appointment with my department counselor, hoping this time I could get some answers, or at least that I could be pointed in the right direction. And finally things started fitting together. She set my entire schedule straight and solved my financial troubles with a few clicks on the keyboard, then she sent me to speak with two other people who should be able to fix everything else. I went to the first--who happened to be speaking to the head of the department at the time--and they both listened to my woeful tale and resolved my concern in five minutes flat. Then I wandered over to the second (and this is where I really got the feeling that God was fiddling with fate a bit), who of course happened to be in his office right when I needed him. After a pretty lengthy chat, we agreed on a course of action that simplifies my life and severely decreases my stress levels.

Abbreviated story short, today was a fabulous day.

But wait! There's more!

New Thing Number Four: I went to the mall with the intention of playing board games in the food court.

I'm starting to notice a pattern here. Every time I make actual plans, they tend to fall through. I have even tried to make spontaneous plans (spontaneous plans? Do such things exist?), and they fell through too. Not that that's a problem though, because what I end up doing instead somehow turns out to be much better. Tonight a great friend and I sat down in the middle of the food court with a pile of board games, but we got too distracted catching up that we never actually got to the board games. Which was totally, incredibly, wonderfully, just fine with the both of us.

You know, I feel like I should be starting each of these posts with "Dear Princess Celestia." There is just so much mushy and moral-y stuff in all of these; I apologize if I upset your cheese-to-reality ratio. But to be completely honest, you can find miracles and learn valuable lessons every hour if you look hard. I'm not even looking and I have been finding at least one thing--usually many more--to be grateful for every day, ever since I started making an effort in life.

And seriously, that's all it takes.

Since I got so excited at the idea of playing games in the middle of the food court, I will be trying--and succeeding--again soon. Let me know if you're interested in joining the happy chaos.

Freeze ray. Tell your friends.

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