I told my little brother what to say to ask a girl on a date.
In his defense, he knows perfectly well how to ask girls on dates. This particular girl needed to be asked in a particular way, and he came to me for help.
And let's face it. My conversations are awesome. Of course he would like a bit of awesomeness in his invitation.
I scripted every word and carefully formulated every response. He had veto power if he felt something was unnecessary, but, as is obvious, he never exercised that right. And now this lady is totally twitterpated. It's now his responsibility to not screw it up on the date.
First I help my sister respond to boys. Now my brother asks for help with girls. I can only come to two conclusions based on this evidence:
1. I need to make a business out of this. I might as well be earning money for my services.
2. I am a genius.
You need to be my wingman. woman. Whatever. I can pay...