Sunday, May 11, 2014

New Thing Number Twenty-Nine

I'm using this post to give a shout-out to my amazing mom. I have expressed my love and gratitude many times before, but for this Mother's Day I want to let a few more people know how incredible my mom is.

To my mom:

Who spends over 60 hours per week babysitting students in her English class, grading their work, and adjusting lesson plans to suit their needs better.

Who puts up with crap from her students all day, then comes home and puts up with crap from her children.

Who refuses to cut out the writing assignments in her curriculum, because having these kids learn to write well is more important to her than four hours of free time each day.

Who writes to and calls her mother on a regular basis, even though she knows that all she will hear is insult in reply.

Who acknowledges the existence of mysterious entities that keep putting junk food in her shopping cart.

Who readily participates in "I love YOU!" battles--it's the aggression that makes it meaningful.

Who is unashamed of her love of "nerdy" things: Firefly, Dr Horrible, Star Trek, etc.

Who not only accompanied me to Comic Con, she bought the tickets.

Who is adamantly reliving her childhood the way it should have been by leaving crumbs in the tub of butter.

Who allows herself time enough for a nap before conquering the mountain of papers on the table.

Who writes a different Shakespearean insult on the whiteboard every day, so her students will insult each other the "right" way.

Who prides herself in her ever-expanding classroom collection of toy weaponry, including (but not limited to) a "blood"-stained battle axe, a mace, several swords, and even a viking helmet.

Who is openly obsessed with regency romance novels.

Who still has a cork board full of dorky crafts we gave her decades ago. She keeps the board on the wall in her bedroom.

Who communicates using subtle allusions that only the well-informed can understand and appreciate.

Who understands and appreciates my twisted sense of humor.

Whose idea of a great vacation is enjoying the peaceful quiet of home without any obligations to worry about.

Who understands that people make mistakes. 

Who is itching to have her own Jayne's hat.

Who thinks steam punk is COOL.

Who is the first to admit her faults and, in the right situations, laugh at them.

Who treats a trip to Walmart like an opportunity for adventure.

Who takes the time to know what she believes, and who then never parts from it.

Who is a terrible morning person. In the best way, of course.

Who knows all the rules of English grammar and takes great pride in breaking them.

Who has tolerated--and even assisted in the preparation of--countless parties and get-togethers, which parties tended to be themed, required costume, and which transformed the house into a pirate tavern, Wonderland, or something of the like.

Who spent hours upon hours digging and raking and planting and watering in the back yard. After many years, her efforts have produced three beautiful willows that shade the yard, a vegetable garden with green onions that grow even if we don't want them to, and a long line of beautiful flowers and bushes that wrap around the yard and return in full bloom every year.

Who gives tins of cookies to the garbage man, recycle man, and mail man every Christmas without fail.

Who didn't raise us to be flawless. She raised us to be ourselves.

I will never be able to thank my mommy enough, but I can let her know how much I love her.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

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