Saturday, July 19, 2014

New Thing Number Fourty-One

You know how when you were in elementary school, your teachers always had cool pictures that they would use for the lesson? Do you remember how they would pull out a popsicle stick that had a wad of that yellow tape on it, roll off a strip of tape, fold it into that perfect circle, stick it to the back of the picture, and tape the picture to the chalkboard? (Yes, I was in elementary school when they still had chalkboards.)

I totally did that.

I got to teach a lesson--the room had a whiteboard, and I took complete advantage of its presence. I didn't even care if my students understood what was going on. All I cared about were the pictures and my precious, precious tape.

New Thing Number Fourty

I waxed my legs.

Never doing that again.

New Thing Number Thirty-Nine

I turned my mommy's backyard into Neverland.

My birthday was coming up and I wanted to do something out-of-the-ordinary. So I spent the morning of my birthday at home working in the backyard, and the product was simply gorgeous. That is, until it rained that evening. (But I love rain, so I didn't mind too much.)

For the fairies, I put Christmas lights in a tree.

For the mermaids, I shredded blue fabric and hung it from a tree branch to be a waterfall.

For the lost boys, I made a hideout out of cheap fabric in the garden.

For the Indians, I used more cheap fabric to wrap the swing set into a teepee.

For the pirates, I turned the picnic table into a ship. I'm particularly proud of this one, so here's a picture. (You can see a bit of the unfinished waterfall on the right.)

Hooray for decorating on a budget!

New Thing Number Thirty-Eight

I dove to catch a Frisbee.

I have never been willing to put my personal wellness on the line for a game before. And we weren't even playing a game. We were just throwing a Frisbee around as a family.

I guess I got a little caught up in the moment. The Frisbee was coming my way but was just a bit too far for me to catch it. Next thing I knew, I was tumbling on the grass, totally confused as to how I got there. Now I know why professional athletes do what they do. I also know why so many of them have to retire early due to injury.

The best part? I didn't even catch the Frisbee.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

New Thing Number Thirty-Seven

I have begun to publicly admit my weaknesses.

After being so worried about what people think of me for most of my life, this would normally be a huge thing for me. But then I came down with depression. And for the past year and a half I have been talking with doctors, counselors, therapists, etc., and I have essentially set up a new lighting system in my heart so I don't have any deep, dark corners in there anymore. 

In a nutshell, I'm not worried anymore. Heck, I don't really care. People can think what they want about me. And if they judge me for how I look or for something equally ridiculous, they will be severely underestimating me. But that's okay--I like surprising people by doing things they don't expect.

I don't care if people know I'm horrible at sports. I don't care if people know my bedroom is a disaster right now. I will be the first to admit I made a mistake, regardless of how many people I say it to.

I have no problem laughing at myself.

In this case, I don't care how many people know I am probably the worst cake decorator ever. I will even accentuate it, because it makes me smile. This time, the cake is not a lie.

On the bright side, this was my first time baking a cake in a Bundt pan, and the cake turned out really well. :)

New Thing Number Thirty-Six

I raked the lawn.

I don't mean I raked the leaves. Or mowed the lawn. I raked it.

Apparently this is what you do when your lawn is all yellow and you want it green again. You comb out all the dead grass, seed the lawn, and water the lawn like crazy for a while. Then voila, you have a green lawn again.

I'm still working on step one, so I have yet to see if this actually works.

I've spent three hours working on it so far, and I'm not halfway done. Apparently the lawn really needed this.

New Thing Number Thirty-Five

I designed a book!

Again, I didn't write it. I got the text from Project Gutenberg, reformatted it to a more book-like layout, added page numbers, put in a running header, etc. Then the printing press did the rest. :)

Putting a picture up just doesn't do it justice. If you know me personally (and not in any sort of creepy-ish way), ask me to show it to you sometime.

It looks sooooooo awesome.

The first bit is the cover as it comes out of the press--back cover, spine, and front cover. The second bit is the first chapter page.

I got all the artwork through Google and have no rights to any of it. So I'll be fine as long as I don't try to sell the book. And trust me, I'm not parting with my baby any time soon.

New Thing Number Thirty-Four

I designed an entire magazine spread. Myself. In one night.

We were supposed to be doing them in groups, but I had to go and get pneumonia right when the project started, so I had to do mine late. And alone.

But that's okay. It just means I had complete, selfish control, and I didn't have to even listen to anyone else's opinion. And I could finish it at 1 a.m. in my pajamas.

I didn't write the article, but it's a really good one, so I suggest you read it.

I don't mean read it here. I'd be shocked if you could. It's "What Are You Worth?" by Kristin Matthews. Go look it up.

I got all the pictures through Google and have no rights to any of them. If I ever were to publish this (highly unlikely), I would credit each picture appropriately.

Note: Upworthy Magazine doesn't actually exist. But it should.

New Thing Number Thirty-Three

I made a flyer for my friend's business.

MAN I love my design class.

So my genius friend Austin has come up with an incredible idea: to set up a shake shack on a pier in Seattle and call it Shakes Pier. The employees will wear Elizabethan-era clothing and all the menu items will be named after Shakespearean insults.

Awe-inspiring. I love it.

And for those of you who would consider capitalizing on such an opportunity, it's already a thing. So the most you can do is invest in the business or apply to work there. Or go buy a shake there.

It just so happened that one of the assignments for my design class was to create a flyer for an event, any event at all. I couldn't resist.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New Thing Number Thirty-Two

I told my little brother what to say to ask a girl on a date. 

In his defense, he knows perfectly well how to ask girls on dates. This particular girl needed to be asked in a particular way, and he came to me for help. 

And let's face it. My conversations are awesome. Of course he would like a bit of awesomeness in his invitation.

I scripted every word and carefully formulated every response. He had veto power if he felt something was unnecessary, but, as is obvious, he never exercised that right. And now this lady is totally twitterpated. It's now his responsibility to not screw it up on the date.

First I help my sister respond to boys. Now my brother asks for help with girls. I can only come to two conclusions based on this evidence:

1. I need to make a business out of this. I might as well be earning money for my services.

2. I am a genius.

New Thing Number Thirty-One

I finished my business card! 

It was a requirement to include color in the design, which I was very hesitant to do. I thought it was professional enough in grayscale. But as far as colors go, I think I done good. 

New Thing Number Thirty

I slaughtered Russian--intentionally--in front of Russians.

I may have marred my reputation forever.

So what happened, my little brother came home from Moscow. All while he's been out I have been so excited for him to come home, because we both know Russian really well and the rest of America pretty much doesn't. We'd have soooooo much fun speaking a "secret language" and making people think we were plotting their deaths when really we were talking about watching a movie later. The possibilities are endless. >:]

So my little brother came home from Moscow. And of course he needed a welcome poster at the airport. So of course I made him one. 

I wanted to be clever and to make him laugh after a long day of travel (seriously--you leave at the crack of dawn, essentially stop time for 24 hours, and arrive home later that same night). So, with all my clever genius, I made him a poster that would be understandable only to someone who speaks both English and Russian (or at least is familiar with the Russian alphabet). 

I wrote уйeлком хоум which literally spells out welcome home, but with Russian letters. Then I excitedly stood at the airport with my gobbledegook poster and waited for my little brother to come down the escalator. 

What I wasn't anticipating was that there was a score of Russian babushki and dedushki also waiting at the airport, also expecting friends to arrive from Russia. 

They saw my sign.

At that point I didn't even bother trying to tell them that I speak Russian, very well, in fact. I just watched them as they frowned at my sign. And cocked their heads. And frowned at my sign. And frowned some more.

Well, so much for helping to promote international benevolence.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

New Thing Number Twenty-Nine

I'm using this post to give a shout-out to my amazing mom. I have expressed my love and gratitude many times before, but for this Mother's Day I want to let a few more people know how incredible my mom is.

To my mom:

Who spends over 60 hours per week babysitting students in her English class, grading their work, and adjusting lesson plans to suit their needs better.

Who puts up with crap from her students all day, then comes home and puts up with crap from her children.

Who refuses to cut out the writing assignments in her curriculum, because having these kids learn to write well is more important to her than four hours of free time each day.

Who writes to and calls her mother on a regular basis, even though she knows that all she will hear is insult in reply.

Who acknowledges the existence of mysterious entities that keep putting junk food in her shopping cart.

Who readily participates in "I love YOU!" battles--it's the aggression that makes it meaningful.

Who is unashamed of her love of "nerdy" things: Firefly, Dr Horrible, Star Trek, etc.

Who not only accompanied me to Comic Con, she bought the tickets.

Who is adamantly reliving her childhood the way it should have been by leaving crumbs in the tub of butter.

Who allows herself time enough for a nap before conquering the mountain of papers on the table.

Who writes a different Shakespearean insult on the whiteboard every day, so her students will insult each other the "right" way.

Who prides herself in her ever-expanding classroom collection of toy weaponry, including (but not limited to) a "blood"-stained battle axe, a mace, several swords, and even a viking helmet.

Who is openly obsessed with regency romance novels.

Who still has a cork board full of dorky crafts we gave her decades ago. She keeps the board on the wall in her bedroom.

Who communicates using subtle allusions that only the well-informed can understand and appreciate.

Who understands and appreciates my twisted sense of humor.

Whose idea of a great vacation is enjoying the peaceful quiet of home without any obligations to worry about.

Who understands that people make mistakes. 

Who is itching to have her own Jayne's hat.

Who thinks steam punk is COOL.

Who is the first to admit her faults and, in the right situations, laugh at them.

Who treats a trip to Walmart like an opportunity for adventure.

Who takes the time to know what she believes, and who then never parts from it.

Who is a terrible morning person. In the best way, of course.

Who knows all the rules of English grammar and takes great pride in breaking them.

Who has tolerated--and even assisted in the preparation of--countless parties and get-togethers, which parties tended to be themed, required costume, and which transformed the house into a pirate tavern, Wonderland, or something of the like.

Who spent hours upon hours digging and raking and planting and watering in the back yard. After many years, her efforts have produced three beautiful willows that shade the yard, a vegetable garden with green onions that grow even if we don't want them to, and a long line of beautiful flowers and bushes that wrap around the yard and return in full bloom every year.

Who gives tins of cookies to the garbage man, recycle man, and mail man every Christmas without fail.

Who didn't raise us to be flawless. She raised us to be ourselves.

I will never be able to thank my mommy enough, but I can let her know how much I love her.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

New Things Numbers Twenty-Seven and Twenty-Eight

I'm really starting to like this Adobe Illustrator thingey.

New Thing Number Twenty-Seven: I'm taking my first term classes. They're twice as long, they go twice as fast, and we are quizzed on content quickly enough that I retain twice as much information than usual. Spring term, where have you been all my life?

My first assignment in my design class is to create a logo, either for an existing business or organization, or we can choose to create a logo for our own purposes. Since I am already a professional writer and editor--though it's a bit hard to compete against retired professors and well-established editors for freelance work--I figured it's about time I got myself out there and wrangled myself a more permanent gig.

New Thing Number Twenty-Eight: I made my own logo.

So this is the first draft. I'm pretty proud of it, but I'm looking forward to taking it to class on Monday so my peers can help me improve it.

Update to come.

New Thing Number Twenty-Six

I made a book. From scratch. On Adobe Illustrator. Which I learned how to use two days previously.

Needless to say, it took awhile.

But it looks awesome. It came off the press as a softcover book that actually looks like it could be found in stores. It's a 30-page "illustrated" (that means there are pictures) book for my mommy for Mother's Day, and my little brother and I (my brother became my official picture looker-upper) were too excited to wait until Mother's Day, so we gave it to her yesterday. She flipped through the first few pages, thinking it was some cutesy thing we found at a store. Then she got to page eight, the first page that couldn't POSSIBLY have been printed for retail purposes (unless someone held a stalkerish fascination with my family). Cue the floodgates. 

It was awesome. :)


New Thing Number Twenty-Five

I went to Comic Con!

I saw some awesome things and took some awesome pictures. However, because I do not have the permission of those whom I photographed, I am unable to post any of the pictures I took. I am terrified of sparking public outrage and, well, a lawsuit.

But the pictures are awesome.

New Thing Number Twenty-Three

I used a sewing machine for the first time in ten years.

I took a sewing class in school and butchered the projects so badly that I assured myself that I would never use a sewing machine again.

Then my step mum handed me a shirt and asked me to sew a few things to it because she didn't have time to do it herself. 


I am very grateful that she didn't care how the shirt looked. Otherwise we would have had a problem. During the hour-long endeavor, I broke only one needle and sewed every line crooked (at least I was consistent), and I was pretty proud of myself. I remembered how to thread the machine, put in the bobbin, use the reverse button, and that the pedal means go.

Way to go, me.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

New Thing Number Twenty-Four

I think I ruined my sister's birthday and made it special at the same time.

So, I sent her 28 different YouTube birthday videos throughout the day. I checked all the videos first to make sure they were good, or at least decent. Mostly. So if you're looking for a good birthday video (especially if your sister's name is Nikki), you've come to the right place.

Yes, I do realize that Jack Black is featured on two different videos. He's that cool.

The last one is obviously my favorite.Yes, they do really have a birthday song like that, and yes, they sing it at every birthday celebration without fail.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

New Thing Number Twenty-Two

I did not make any purchases for a week.

Not even gas or to pay bills. I got all the bills taken care of beforehand and I lasted on half a tank of gas.

It really put a few things into perspective for me. Normally when I'm out running errands or coming back from the doctor (I'm a total pansy at the doctor), I feel that I deserve a treat. But with this goal of not spending any money, I was able to keep myself from "nickel-ing and dime-ing" my money away on tiny pleasures, and I made something yummy at home, which usually tastes better anyway. 

I'm also a huge fan of buying things to save myself the trouble of making them. What's the point spending 30 minutes making my mom's delicious spaghetti sauce when I could pick up a jar of okay spaghetti sauce while I'm at the store? Needless to say, I had some amazing spaghetti this week. And lots of leftovers.

I kept myself from stopping by the store to pick up that one ingredient I need, too. It's actually a fun challenge, making do with whatever you have in the pantry and fridge. Sure, you probably can't make that incredible dish you've been craving, but you get to exercise your creativity and experiment with substitutions. More times than not I end up with something really good, and I feel like a professional chef from one of those Food Network shows.

When it came to gas, I found myself thinking, Do I really need to drive there? Is going to that store necessary? How can I run all my errands using the least amount of gas? I never pulled out a map, but I was mapping out my errand route so I could get the most done on half a tank. The last couple days of the week I had to drive about 100 miles to and from cities, and because I had rationed my gas so well I got home with enough gas to get me to the gas station on Monday. (I actually didn't fill up my car until Tuesday. That's how awesome I was.)

I wouldn't recommend not spending anything for an entire week, but it was a good habit to rethink my spending tendencies and ask myself if what I wanted was really necessary. I'm probably not going to learn from this as quickly as I should, but I can honestly say I will attempt to think like this from now on.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Thing Number Twenty-One

I sent a letter to J.K. Rowling. 

Why? Because I was struck with an epiphany. And because I wanted to.

This is what it says:

Ms. Rowling,

            I have been struggling with severe anxiety and depression for quite a while now. Various coping mechanisms, therapy, medications, self-help books, etc. have not helped me in the way I have hoped. However, as I was perusing the Pottermore site, I came upon a remarkable discovery. These are my findings:

Depression is the unfortunate situation that one finds oneself in when a dementor seeks to abide in one's house. Those suffering from depression will find that leaving the house tends to noticeably lift one's mood—at least in a small fraction but generally in a large amount. There are very few reports of dementors following humans, especially muggles, outside of the house. Of course the clearest solution would be to request a witch or wizard to cast a Patronus charm and rid the house of the dementor, but since the implementation of the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692, it has become quite difficult for a muggle to locate a witch or wizard who can perform the Patronus charm. The only known muggle solution to combat dementors—albeit a temporary solution—is chocolate.

For reasons inexplicable to everyone but myself, this epiphany helps me a great deal. Not only do I have the justifiable excuse to eat chocolate, I also feel like I am battling an unseen enemy; now I’m not the problem, the dementor is.

            Although I have fallen to the great misfortune of being a muggle—I waited weeks for my Hogwarts letter, thinking the owl might have been delayed due to altitude sickness—I will start working at once to produce a Patronus charm, or whatever equivalent I can find that is suitable for a muggle. If you have suggestions on how I can accomplish this, I would be eager to hear from you.

            I want to thank you for the wonderful world you have created and for your perfectly rational explanations of seemingly unnatural occurrences. For example, the night I fell asleep chuckling was the night I finally got rid of the boggart under my bed. Non-magical communities around the world have you to thank for improved living conditions, greater peace of mind, and expanded imaginations. I will be forever grateful.

            Thank you again, Ms. Rowling. I wish you well.

                                                            Most Sincerely,

                                                                        Tiana Moe

Friday, March 28, 2014

New Thing Number Twenty

I asked to be refunded a fee I was charged.

This one probably sounds really weird. People ask for stuff like this all the time.

I don't.

I was raised with the mindset that if I make a mistake, I deal with the consequences. If I came home after curfew, my curfew would be earlier the next time. If I procrastinated doing my homework, I would stress out the day before it was due and I probably wouldn't get a very good grade. If I got charged a fee, for whatever reason, I would pay it.

So for the first time in this kind of situation, I decided to ask for mercy.

I pride myself in being one who doesn't ask for free handouts, so calling in was maybe not embarrassing, but very humbling. They were understanding and didn't even hesitate to grant my request. I assured them that I would not be making that type of call again. I don't want to exhaust mercy.

This was an eye-opening experience for me. I play by the rules, but I make mistakes once in a while. Thanks to a kind representative--and a forgiving Savior--I don't always have to pay the price of my mistakes. Too often I feel like I have to pay, even for things a Certain Someone has already paid for. I don't have to keep punishing myself. I am worthy of forgiveness. 

I am worthy of mercy.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

New Thing Number Nineteen

I agreed to swear in Russian for some kids.

Correction: I agreed to "swear" in Russian for some kids.

I actually told them they were beautiful, but they don't need to know that.

New Thing Number Eighteen

I volunteered at my mom's school for a couple days.

Is it still considered volunteering if they also volunteer to pay you?
My volunteering came first.
And I wasn't expecting to be paid.
But I obviously wasn't going to say no to being paid.

I kept an eye on the 9th graders while they worked in the media center. I guess it was a good experience, because I've been casually toying around with the idea of becoming a substitute teacher. You know, to experience new things.

Yeah, not doing that.

I became the "cool" sub and made friends with the kids, and some of them were really awesome. But my patience has its limits. I barely survived two days. If I had to actually teach them instead of just supervising, I fear heads would have been rolling down the hallways by the end of school. (If questioned, I will neither confirm nor deny anything.)

But it was a good opportunity to learn a few new things:

1. I sooooooo wasn't like that in 9th grade. And I will keep my biased memories tucked in a faraway corner forever so I will continue to remember 9th grade that way.

2. What happened to enjoying learning? Granted, middle school is more of a social torture chamber instead of a place of learning, but even I got a few things figured out by 9th grade. That was the year I decided to become an editor. Five years later, I became one. Another five years later, I get to charge the big bucks. Provided anyone is willing to pay the big bucks for real editing.

3. My kids are going to be the most awesome kids by the time they're teenagers. None of this "pretending to be cool" crap. They're going to be happy with who they are and that will make them sooo cool.

4.  There still are the brave few out there who are proving to the up-and-coming generation that liking "nerdy" things is not only acceptable, it's awesome too. Who says cyborgs are lame? Who says anime is a waste of time? Who says time travel is unrealistic? The people who end up working minimum wage jobs their whole lives, that's who. The nerds be makin' the big bucks these days. Hopefully that will remain the case.

5. Help one kid? Awesome. Help three or four kids? Fine. Figure out how to manage thirty-five of them? No frickin' way.

Very important life lessons, as you can see.